“ Together, we will continue a legacy of high performing schools that offer each student the opportunity to reach their full potential. ”

— Jaret Fishman


Jaret Fishman

Jaret is a dedicated parent, community member, and champion for public education in North Shore School District 112. He is running for the Board of Education because he is committed to creating an exceptional educational experience for every student in District 112. He will focus on academic excellencefiscal responsibility, and community engagement—three pillars that will guide his work to strengthen our schools, enhance trust, and generate results for our community.

With nine years of volunteer leadership in District 112, Jaret brings valuable experience and a proven record of supporting our schools. From serving in parent organizations, to his participation in District-led committees and task forces, Jaret has dedicated his time to continue the legacy of school excellence.

As a practicing civil rights attorney, Jaret combines his professional expertise with a deep passion for education— inspired by his mother, a former elementary school teacher.

Together, we will continue the pursuit of academic excellence in our community, and ensure the brightest future for our students.

Education that delivers= each student academically engaged and reaching their full potential.

Voices for Fishman: Endorsements & Supporters

Andrés Tapia (City Council-Highland Park); Annette Lidawer (City Council- Highland Park); Barisa Meckler Bruckman (City Council-Highland Park); Yumi Ross (City Council- Highland Park); Pablo Alvarez (Moraine Township); Dan Jenks (North Shore School District 112); Paras Parekh (Lake County); Terry Grossberg (Park District of Highland Park); Rafael Labrador (Park District of Highland Park); Agi Semrad (Balance Project; former Edgewood Middle PTO President); Janea Harris (former Braeside Elementary & Northwood Middle PTO President; Insight Advocacy); Isis Fernandez-Sykes (former Ravinia Elementary PTO President; Housing Commission); Lori Weisskopf (former Park District Highland Park Board); Nancy Krent; Paul Miller; Paul Canchester (Human Relations Advisory Group); Jay Futterman (Chair of Highland Park Sustainability Advisory Group) and Jenny Futterman (Go Green Highland Park); Luis González (Parks Foundation; Housing Commission; Sister Cities) and Cristina Mota (HP Community Foundation); Diana Gran (Diana Gran Portraits; former Green Bay Early Childhood PTO President; BPAC President); Stephanie Jacobs Luger; Cindy and Andy Hamilton; Ajit and Sukhu Kalra (Indus & Bhoomi); Julio and Rosa Rebolledo (112 Education Foundation; former Red Oak PTO President); Daniela Segovia (Mil Colibris); Rocki and Bruce Hunter; Jennifer Boiles (Northwood Middle School PTO President); Sarah Davidson and Justino Nicolaz Diaz; Elizabeth Davidson; Alejandro Albanez Rivas; Cathy Curran (Red Oak PTO President); Carolina Estela (former Oak Terrace PTO President); Terri Tiersky; Ellen Gussin

Academic Outcomes

Fiscal responsibility

Community engagement

Academic Outcomes • Fiscal responsibility • Community engagement •